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Events: Event

What's Going On at Zum Schwarzen Schaf

Knitting courses and more


There is always something going on!

Colorful knitwear is my passion and I would love to share it with you. That's why there are new dates for knitting workshops in 2024, where I will help you bring color into your (knitting) life!

Fair Isle knitting

9. - 11. February 2024
St. Benedikt Education Center, Seitenstetten

Fair Isle Knitting is a wonderful way to bring pattern and colours into your knitting (and your life). Fair Isle means you are working with 2 colours in a row to knit patterns. In this workshop you will learn how to best hold your yarns, how to choose your colours, how knit a steek and cut it open at the end. You can either knit a tiny vest to get to know all the different steps or you could also knit a fair isle hat or wrist warmers. In any case it will be a colourful and relaxing weekend.


Registration at

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knitting in the monastery

New dates will be added soon!

In the beautiful Aggsbach Charterhouse in Aggsbach-Dorf in the Wachau, we spend a day knitting in the refectory or in the garden and let the colors around us inspire us.  If you would like to recharge your batteries for a day in this dreamy place, be creative and just think about knitting and colors, contact me for details at


Dates for wo the Charterhouse Aggsbach for 2024 will follow!


More courses during the year

Knitting workshop "Farbe in den Alltag bringen - Häkeln und Stricken" in Haslach an der Mühl from 12. - 14. April 2024 -

Our knitting trip with Kneissl Touristik will take us to Wales again this year. We will visit beautiful beaches, mighty castles, woollen mills and most importantly the amazing yarnfestival of Wonderwool Wales. More information here

You can also contact me in person if your are interested in joining us on this trip: Email


Markets and festivals 

9. - 10. March 2024 - Wollträume Wien in myhive at Wienerberg. This is an amazing event for everyone who loves wool. Here you can find more information

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